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An Autoimmune Meal Plan Program

4 Weeks (+1) of Meal Plans with Deliciously Healing Recipes and a Companion Guide for Step-by-Step Meal Prep

by: Leah Campián

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Autoimmune Meal Plans

This complete plan ensures your body is getting the vital nutrients needed to heal yourself, one meal at a time. The plan is designed with specific protocols each week to help you gradually improve your health.


You will start feeling better after the first week and will continue to see amazing results in your body as you progress through the entire 5 weeks. You will feel like a new person, with more energy, little-to-no pain, and gained confidence from your body's transformation!


Week 1. An anti-inflammatory meal plan designed to decrease inflammation in the body


This meal plan is free from common inflammatory foods like nightshades and soy. It features powerful anti-inflammatory ingredients like turmeric and omega-3s that will help decrease inflammation in your body and help you feel your best!


Week 2. An intensive dietary intervention for inflammation and autoimmunity

This Low Lectin Plan removes all high lectin foods, including nightshade vegetables, grains, legumes, and squash to help suppress an immune response.

Staple foods on this meal plan include cruciferous vegetables, wild fish, and leafy greens so you can look and feel your best due to high antioxidant levels and lowered inflammation levels.


Week 3. A nutritional therapy to heal intestinal hyperpermeability

This Leaky Gut Plan is a gut-healing protocol.

This meal plan includes plenty of easily digestible meals focusing on phytonutrient-rich plants. Anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats and turmeric help reduce inflammation. Fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi bring good bacteria back into your gut while healing bone broth provides gelatin to sooth and support a damaged gut lining.

Week 4. A nutritional therapy to reduce inflammation, heal digestion (leaky gut) and address autoimmune disease

This meal plan follows the Autoimmune Paleo Protocol as developed by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, Ph.D. It is free from all foods with the potential to stimulate the immune system, increase inflammation, and cause irritation to the digestive tract.

This Autoimmune Paleo Plan excludes all refined sugars and oils, grains, legumes, dairy, eggs, nightshades, nuts, seeds, food additives, spices and ingredients that contain extracts of these foods so you can heal quickly and feel better soon.

This plan is packed with anti-inflammatory ingredients that support digestion like turmeric, bone broth, and bitter greens. It truly makes following the AIP protocol more simple and delicious than ever so you start feeling and seeing the results in your body.

**BONUS** Week 5. A nutritional plan to address autoimmune disease and speed up weight loss


This Autoimmune Ketogenic Plan follows the principles of an autoimmune paleo protocol, free from all grains, legumes, nightshades, nuts and seeds. The meal plan is also ketogenic, with daily net carbs under 25 grams.


This plan has been designed to minimize snacking and support an intermittent-fasting approach to stabilize blood sugar levels and increase weight loss. Other benefits may include improved fertility and better-looking hair, skin, and nails.


What's Included:

  • Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack for 7 days each week

  • Delicious Recipes and Easy Snacks

  • An entire Meal Plan for each week

  • Grocery Shopping List for each Meal Plan

  • Step-by-Step Prep Guide for each Meal Plan so it's as EASY as possible for you!

  • Extra Tips to make it Healthy and Simple for you!


The Problem is...

"I'm in a lot of pain most days."

Chronic inflammation can be reduced and even eliminated by exchanging harmful foods with the healing foods in these meal plans. 

"I feel drained, I have no energy."

You'll feel invigorated with recipes full of energy-enhancing foods.

The meal-prep guide

makes it easy for you too.

"I've lost hope for a good quality life."

You will learn self-care skills that will enhance your life with an arsenal of healing foods. My hope is that you won't have to depend on medication ever again!

Just having recipes to follow doesn't make managing and reducing inflammation easier.


But a plan for the week plus these PURPOSEFUL RECIPES does!

Here is what this plan will feel like to you...

Smiling Girl

Satisfied & at Ease

Star Confetti


Stones of Meaning

Confident that you can control the outcome

Festive Dinner Table

Enjoying Delicious Food

Successful Girl


About Leah

Leah is a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach®, a Certified Culinary Nutrition Expert, a Certified Hormone Cure instructor, author of the book, Ditch the Diet, and a public speaker. 

"I am one of the most fortunate people I know! I get to use my passion to help others transform their lives every day, but it wasn’t always this way. I had my own struggles with health, including chronic migraines, asthma, sinus and yeast infections, fatigue, leg cramps, muscle spasms, dizziness, itching, acne, acid reflux, sour stomach, constipation, and weight gain.

While I thought I just had to suck it up and try to live with all those problems, I was still fixated on losing weight. Because of that desire, I was interested in nutrition, but the more I learned, the more confused I became with the conflicting information I learned. 'Who is right?' 'How do I know who to believe?' 'Which diet will work for me?' That’s when I finally decided to find the answers to those questions myself! And now I'm sharing those answers with you to help you achieve your own transformation!


Little did I know that all of my symptoms were related and that I was headed down a path of being diagnosed with an auto-immune disease myself! Now I realize that God never intended such suffering for us and that He gave us everything we need to care for ourselves so we can THRIVE to serve Him! I would say I'm a different person now, having achieved my health goals and I can't wait to take the transformational journey with you too!"

Colorful Food

Colorful Food



Health Juices

Health Juices

Wheat Grass

Wheat Grass



Digital Recipe

Digital Recipe

Roasted Eggplants

Roasted Eggplants

Green Smoothie

Green Smoothie

Healthy Food

Healthy Food

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Each of these meal plans is designed


  • for equipping you to make empowering health decisions based on your individual needs.

  • to supply you with an arsenal of recipes and planning tools.

  • to provide enough variety in your daily meals and leave you satisfied and confident that you are managing and controlling your inflammation to keep your auto-immunity at bay.

Disclaimer: © 2019 Ditch The Diet, LLC, All Rights Reserved. By entering, you agree to Terms of Use found here. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Leah encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional. The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Leah Campián, unless otherwise noted. By entering your email address you are also requesting and agreeing to subscribe to my free newsletter. The information provided is for entertainment purposes only. You must be 18 or older to enter.


Disclaimer: © 2023 Ditch The Diet, LLC, All Rights Reserved. By entering, you agree to Terms of Use found here. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Leah encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Leah Campián, unless otherwise noted. By entering your email address you are also requesting and agreeing to subscribe to my free newsletter. The information provided is for entertainment purposes only. You must be 18 or older to enter.

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